Esta es la pizarra que sirve de maceta. Como podéis ver, bastante gruesa (Febrero 2010):
En vez de keto, otra amiga me sugirió que hiciese un murito con pequeñas lajas de pizarra y cemento cola, y la verdad es que el resultado me gustó (Abril 2010):
Las hayas que formaban el bosque (Abril 2010):
El bosque de hayas montado y brotando:
Pero el calor fue excesivo y se secaron. En la siguiente entrada os presentaré a sus sustitutas, jejeje!!
After these months without writing, today I want to show you my modest forest. At first it was going to be a forest of beeches, because a friend had given me 13 and I had no idea what to do with them. But my weather is too hot for them, and now survives only 1.
This is the slate that serves as a planter. As you can see, fairly thick (February 2010):
Instead of keto, another friend suggested me to do a little wall with small pieces of slate and glue cement, and the truth is I liked the result (April 2010):
That is the bamboo structure that held the beeches and now holds the piceas. When they have more roots it won'´t be necessary and I´ll take it off. It can´t be appreciated, but there were made 3 holes for drainage to the slate.
The beech trees that formed the forest (April 2010):
The beeches forest assembled and springing:
But the heat was too much and dried. In the next post I will present you their substitutes, lol!